Weekly “Friday night live” fun, bible teaching and youth training sessions.
Monthly “super Sunday” youh spiritual growth meetings.
“Stagez” – a program on Sunday mornings for teenagers 13-15 and 16-19.
Missions to various islands and countries as a group and in conjunction with Youth Missions organizations such as Teen Mania.
“OPERATION BURNOUT”(all night lock in event)
“YOUTH ALIVE” (Youth Conference attracting over 5,000 teens annually)
“CHRISTIAN YOUTH TALENT JAM”. (National Youth talent competition attracting up to 2,500 participants and attendees)
Dave Burrows is one of the world’s foremost authorities on Youth Ministry and work with youth. He has provided and provides youth ministry training, advisement to organizations and governmental institutions, mentoring and development of youth pastors, school and community workers as well as leaders among youth and those who work with you. He has been a speaker at countless major youth events across the United States, Caribbean and Canada.
He has either been involved with or has been a speaker for popular youth ministry entities, Youth for Christ, Youth with a Mission, Teen Mania and many popular churches known worldwide. He has served as President of the Christian Youth Leaders Network and the International Third World Youth Leadership Association. Dave has hosted a variety of innovative programs over the years while working closely with Dr. Myles Munroe, Youth Alive Ministries and TYC (Totally Youth Church). These included:
PROFESSIONAL YOUTH and Youth Ministry WORKSHOPS & SEMINARS such as ,”Extreme Leadership”, “Sex and Dating”, “Conflict Resolution” , “Parents & Teens”, and “Strategies for Saving the next Generation” , geared towards teens, parents, youth workers, pastors and young adults, these events involve drama, music and multimedia presentations.
Drama, music and a variety of artistic expressions as a means of sharing the gospel and providing alternatives for today’s youth.
Television shows “talk 2 me” & “Effective Youth” & “Ruffneck Myxx Video”
Outreaches to schools, parks, streets, malls and foreign countries
Radio shows “The Ruff neck Myxx” and “STRICTLY POSITIVE MONDAY”S”
Concerts featuring contemporary Christian music artists
career, money & management